Sunday, April 2, 2017

This week was suuuuuper awesome! I don't think i have really talked about our investigator Flavio much but he is amazing and just the most amazing guy! He is soooo humble and so open to learn all that he can. This week we taught him about the Ten Commandments and it was the sweetest thing. He didn't really know what the Ten Commandments were and after he just talked about how much he loved them and how grateful he was for us for coming over and teaching him about the things that God wants him to do! It was just so cool hearing him say that! He's so humble and he doesn't care what it takes he wants to learn how to follow God. When I am around him I can fell the love that he has for Heavenly Father.

We had a really cool miracles family that we found this week! Lorena and Marco! They are AWESOME!!! We were going to have an FHE with a less active family when the Hermana called us and told us that she was running about twenty minutes late. Well we were already there so we decided to knock the area while we were waiting for her to get there. We tried a couple apartments with no answer but the third one was Lorena, her husband and three daughters! They were super nice and immediately invites us in! We taught the the story of Joseph Smith, and the Restoration and they just loved it! I recited the first vision and Lorena was just in awee! It was so cool and after she just kept saying how beautiful it was and how much she loved it! They talked about how they know that they need to get closer to God as a family and that a way to do that would be coming to church with us. They are super solid and awesome! Unfortunately after that they got sick so we haven't been able to see them but this week for sure! Yay!!

Great week, we had a young woman do a mini mission with us, Rosalina and Daniel have been coming to church every week, and we just had a lot of fun and saw a lot of miracles! This area is awesome!

Last night we had a lesson with a Recent Convert and we asked him to say the prayer. He said he couldn't. We asked why. He said it was because he had said a bad word that day, he didn't feel like was worthy to prayer or that God would want to hear from him. That made me so sad and I KNOW that that is not true. I know that God always wants to hear from us and I am so thankful that praying and speaking with our Heavenly Father is not only for perfect people, if it was no one would be talking with Him. I love the ability that we have to pray and I can honestly say I don't know how I could have done my mission without it.

Pray always, no matter what. Because He always wants to hear from you.

2 Nephi 32: 9- But behold I say unto you that ye must PRAY ALWAYS


Hermana Stewart

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