Monday, May 16, 2016

Hola familia y amigos! Another great week of being a missionary:)

Miracle of the week is that we found this amazing guy named Ronald. We
were walking and saw him outside his house and went up to talk to him.
He just moved from El Salvador for work and he is looking for a
church. We talked about the Restoration. I felt the spirit so strongly
it was amazing. It was amazing and you could feel his sincere desire
to know. He is coming to English class this week at the church! We are
going back to teach him soon.

A less active and one of our investigators got married on Saturday!
I've never been so full of Bolivian food in my life haha! It was super
fun and a really good experience. We taught a couple lessons to some
of the guests as well which was really good:) We were super happy
because she got married by someone from the church so that was really
happy. There is still a goal in mind though which is to have a forever
family, sealed in the temple which I hope some day will be a
possibility for them. We also talked to her 19 year old daughter who
is back from college for a little while. She had never been interested
in any church until she saw her mom be baptized. She says that she has
never seen her mom happier! It was a really nice day! Even though it
pored like crazy shortly after the ceremony......

I have found a new obsession hot sauce! Like I kid you not, a lot of
you know. I was the biggest whip when it came to spiciness before my
mission. Like mild salsa was too much for me to handle
sometimes....awk.... But now I am obsessed with hot sauce I love it and
I put it on everything! I blame la familia Diaz because everything
they cook is super spicy and they put hot sauce on everything! Hot
sauce is life<3

I just want to say that I am so happy! That doesn't mean that everyday is perfect but this gospel and sharing it with my brothers and sisters here from all around the world makes me happy. I wish I could write more about the wonderful spiritual experiences that I am having but its hard to describe over writing. Just know that I love this gospel with all my heart. I love the language. I love these people here. And I love the Lord. Thanks for all the support and emails. You guys are the best! Have a great week! Love you all!


Hermana Stewart

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hey everyone! Another great week as a missionary out in Stafford, VA! Haha gotta love the missionary life! This week was great! I had to say goodbye to my companion which was super sad:( She was awesome and I really just learned so much from her. She had a way of making you laugh even when you were sad. It takes a special kind of person to do that! Im so grateful that I got to be her companion. But now I have a new companion and guess what?? Her name is Hermana Rodriguez. She is awesome and super spiritual and she wants to work hard! Yay! I am so blessed that I have been able to have such good companions throughout my mission. Honestly they are like all my best friends! I love it:)

This week we saw many miracles. We were walking out from a disappointing lesson to say the least and we saw  this boy playing with a soccer ball and we felt like we should talk to him. Turns out he is 14 and just moved from Mexico. We taught him the Restauracion and he really opened up to us. He told us that kids at his school make fun of him because his accent and that he doesn't know English perfectly yet(kids are dumb....) and how he doesn't have that many friends. It made me so sad, I just wanted to hug him right there and then. We had an awesome discussion and we were talking about prophets and he was like you know that doesn't make sense, why would God call prophets during the time of the bible and not for us today. And we told him that there is a prophet today. It just made sense to him and he said he is going to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. So many people say that to us and don't actually do it but with him you could just tell that he was going to!!!

It was so lovely talking to my beautiful family for Mother's day! Being out here has made me appreciate even more the things that they have done for me. I love them, they are seriously the most hilarious, kind-hearted, friendly, thoughtful people in the whole world and they are all my best friends. I love them.

Great week. I love life and I love being a missionary! God is so good to me.

Hermana Stewart

Hey this week has been AMAZING! Guau I really am just so so lucky!
People, I LOVE MY MISSION! And the people and experiences I am having
here have changed me so much. I love the people that I am serving
with, my investigators, and the members in my branch! Honestly they're
all my best friends. I'm so grateful for my Heavenly Father and all
the things that he has blessed me with. Not to mention that I have the
most amazing family and friends at home as well. He truly loves each
and every one of us. Trust me whatever happens in your life it is for
your benefit. I have learned that SO much these past couple months.

This week was AMAZING! Honestly me and Hermana Rodriguez couldn't stop
talking about what an amazing week we had yesterday(and how lucky we
are). We had a couple awesome investigators come to church yesterday
and we also had this family come!! Ahhh I love them so much. They have
three kids. And they stayed for all three hours! The key is that their
kids love it. They were already talking about how they wanted to come
back next week. What?? They have been taught for about three years on
and off and they have not once gone to church. Not once. I think what
really changed their perspective was us talking about how this gospel
has changed our lives and really how it's all thanks to our parents.
Our parents are the ones that introduced us and shaped us into the
people that we are today(thanks mom and dad). They really just want
the best for their kids and they can see that this is something that
can help them. Ugh I wish I could write everything about them but I
can't. Just know that they are AWESOME! I mean they progress slow but
we have faith!

Haha funny story about them. They have the cutest kids ever! So we
went over to their house and when we walked in they immediately we
like pasen siƩntense. They made us these delicious Mexican things!
They are so good to us❤️ anyway so after dinner we just taught the
right at the dinner table and the lesson was awesome! The spirit was
so strong! So there was hot sauce on the table and they are from
Mexico so they love spicy stuff. And while we were teaching their
little two year old girl reaches over and takes a big swig out of the
hot sauce! Like she was drinking soda! And it didn't even phase her!!
Hahaha I couldn't help but laughing! Ugh I love them.

I meet really interesting people each week....
One guy told us he has seen Jesus three times
A Muslim guy who wouldn't stop saying "read the update" the update is
the Koran I guess
A Wicken who told us some interesting stuff to say the least.....
HAHA I love people!

Well this week was amazing and I am so so happy! I wish I could tell
you more about the awesome things that are happening but I have no
time! Thanks for all the love and support! You keep doing you!

Love you all.

Hermana Stewart

P.S. By the way my subject line mi pobre angelito (my poor little
angel) haha that's the title of home alone in Spanish? Like who comes
up with these things? La chica de verano(the girl of summer) is Raise
Your Voice. Hahah like guat??